Monday, April 07, 2008


This has become my default library school blog dumping ground - I'm just so fond of the name. I need to commission a pulp cover of The Biblio Bitches.

This term (touch wood, my last in school!) I'll be using this space for a more gentle, less revenge driven project: Storytelling. I'll be posting videos of me doing various storytelling stuff.

I'm somehow fascinated with felt boards and using them for storytelling. I can remember LOVING them in my after school Bible study (how far the mighty have fallen) and when our prof used one to tell the story of The Big Orange Splot*, I was inspired anew. Hopefully I can convince some of my crafty friends to undertake a big felty project with me, now I just have to find the perfect picture book.

*"I believe estate agents pronounce it 'Sploe'" - Ianto Jones /tw nerdery

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