Friday, May 09, 2008

More Particpatory Culture

I keep finding stuff on Henry Jenkin's blog that really resonates with a lot of the concepts of storytelling - he has a recent one about fan vids. I see a lot of these around but I rarely bother to watch them (since I have found them mostly to be pretty bad) - unless it's one a bunch of people tell me about (like the Kirk/Spock Closer one).

In any case, thinking about digital storytelling, I thought that fan vids are exactly that: digital [re]storytelling. "Re" because they are usually told using media that already exists but tells a different story.

I'm intrigued by the idea of taking a really well known visual media (like, say, The Very Hungry Caterpillar) and telling completely different story with it. Would it work or would you be distracted by the fact that it isn't the story you expected?

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